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Can I open a new ABLE for ALL Savings Plan account if my previous ABLE for ALL Savings Plan was closed?

Yes, log in to your closed account using your email and password, then find the “Create new account” link to get started.

What are the fees?
There are some fees to keep the account up and running. The annual flat fee is $35, plus an annual administration fee of 0.30% of the account’s balance and fees for the investment option.  Additional fees are added based on how you use the account: $10 per year for paper statements when you choose... Read more
How much does it cost to open an account?

Opening an account doesn’t cost anything. You’ll need to make an initial transfer of at least $25 to get started. There are some fees to keep the lights running. Check them out here.

Are there restrictions to open an account?

Your current age doesn’t matter if the disability or blindness developed before you were 26 years old. There’s legislation proposed to raise the age, but for now you can’t open an account if your disability or blindness occurred after age 26.

Is there a minimum to open an account?
You have to add at least $25 to get the account started. After that, you can add as little as $5 at any time. Money can be added to the cash option and/or invested. If you decide to make an investment, at least 10% of your total funds need to be invested in one of three investment options: ABLE... Read more
What do I need to open an account?
Make sure you have this information handy: Your email; Your birthday; Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number; Contact details; and Proof of eligibility. If you’re an Authorized Legal Representative, you’ll need the same information as the beneficiary’s, plus your work status. If... Read more
How do I open an account?
Once you’ve gone through all the eligibility requirements, it only takes 10 minutes to open an account online. You (or your Authorized Legal Representative) will need to have some basic information handy. Once you’ve been verified, you’ll set up the account details by:  Creating a... Read more
Will having an account make me ineligible for Medicaid?

Nope. Having an ABLE account doesn’t count towards your eligibility for Medicaid regardless of the amount saved in the account.

What happens if I withdraw money for a non-eligible expense?
You’ll have to pay taxes on any non-eligible expense, plus a 10% penalty on the earnings portion of the withdrawal. A withdrawal used for non-eligible expenses, or for housing expenses even if they are qualified disability expenses, could affect your eligibility for Supplemental Security Income... Read more
How do I prove an eligible expense?

Keep your receipts and documentation for all eligible expenses in case the IRS wants to see them. We don’t need proof of your expenses, but you should have it for your records.